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Facility Audit & Master Plan
Facility Audit Pic.jpg
Property Tax Impact for a $14,950,000 Bond

The bond levy is projected to be 19.4 cents per $100 of taxable valuation. This projected levy impact is based on current valuations. Increased valuations will result in a lower tax levy.


  • Bonds can be re-funded after five years if market conditions (rates) improve.

  • District residents will automatically receive school district tax credit (around 30%) without filing for it on your tax return as a result of LB34. While this tax credit does not apply to bond tax, it does provide automatic credits on your property tax statement for your property taxes paid. The Unicameral approved LB34 in August 2024.

*Ag land assessed at 50% of market value per statute.

This chart uses average ag land valuations for Stanton County. For more accurate estimates, use the interactive calculator below for your county and production land value.

Clarkson Tax Chart.png

Tax Calculators

Monthly Tax Increase:

Yearly Tax Increase:

Monthly Tax Increase for Platte and Stanton Counties:

Yearly Tax Increase for Platte and Stanton Counties:

Monthly Tax Increase for Colfax County:

Yearly Tax Increase for Colfax County:

Clarkson School District Map

Click on the map or the link below for an enlarged map showing the boundaries of the Clarkson Public Schools district. 


The map can help identify what communities and fields would be affected by the bond.



Clarkson school district map_edited.jpg

Enrollment Trends

Clarkson School Graph (1024 x 550 px).png

Preliminary Tax Request Information
by District within Our Conference

Community Building Committee's Recommendation
to the Board of Education

2024 Clarkson Public Schools Bond

©2024 by Clarkson Public Schools

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